仙人的日常生活第十集在线观看剧情介绍:“Grandpa! Grandpa!” The little boy called, but there was no response. Mei headed straight towards the seafood stalls. She chose half a kilo of shrimp, some clams and an enormous fi sh head for making a soup with fresh tofu. Behind the seafood stalls were shops selling roast meat. Mei picked a goose leg, which was not cheap. Walking along the shops, taking a left turn at the end, Mei arrived at the other entrance leading to the other part of the village. It was another world. She turned round. On the way back to where she entered, she bought two eggplants, some watercress and a few spices. The basket was completely full. Her pocket was emptied. More than one hundred cash was gone. Another“decent” meal was settled. She left the market.