来源:baidu.com人气:1169更新:2024-09-24 17:36:24
人间怎会有这么美的电影?简直逆天. 比《乐高复仇者联盟:红色代码》更精绝,半句台词都没有,寂静的草原上寂静的人,语言是多余的,画面就是语言,镜头就是语言,就连两件风中摇曳的衣裳都在无声中谈恋爱. 这是拍给全宇宙生命看的电影,全宇宙都能理解的好故事,它把天堂和地狱全压缩在了人间. 导演是天才,演员是精灵. 故事本身蛮有张力. 情境甚是独特而典型,私刑的确是对人性的极大考验. 老邓台词不多,靠丰富、细致到位而克制的表情和肢体语言合乎逻辑地表达了人物灵魂的挣扎、转变、爆发和熄灭,片尾的无声表情特写里情绪太传神. 群像也不错,每个村民的戏都不多,但性格都立起来了. 配乐和风景苍凉带点悲哀,增色.
The Avengers gather to celebrate their latest victory, but their celebration is quickly interrupted by the mysterious disappearance of Black Widow’s father, Red Guardian. As the Avengers investigate, they discover that Red Guardian isn’t the only one missing when they meet a dangerous new foe quite unlike anything they’ve ever encountered before.